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Sustainability 04/09/2024

SA8000 - A top-class certification for social responsibility

Social Accountability International's SA8000 is the most widely recognised standard for managing human rights in the workplace. As an auditable standard, it assures all stakeholders of a company that its management takes social responsibility seriously. Sedus was the first office furniture manufacturer to receive certification in 2023 and is one of only 14 companies in Germany that are currently certified.
News 02/09/2024

Life in the hybrid society: A new paradigm of work, space and identity

The spread of hybrid working models not only marks an adaptation to current challenges, but also signals a profound shift towards a hybrid society. This ‘post-creative’ society is aware of the fact that the boundaries between real and fake, public and private, physical and virtual, analogue and digital are becoming increasingly blurred. This ambivalence characterises not only the way we work, but also our entire way of life.
Sustainability 30/08/2024

EPI - What is an environmental product information sheet?

Open communication about all environmentally relevant information concerning a company, its products and processes creates transparency. One instrument that ensures transparency at Sedus is the Environmental Product Information (EPI). The data sheet is available to download for more than 100 Sedus products. It discloses the emissions of the products and enables a detailed analysis of the products in order to subsequently improve them from an ecological point of view.
News 27/08/2024

Blooming future - How Sedus combines technology and nature

Anyone currently visiting the Sedus site in Dogern is greeted by a beautiful meadow of flowers. But where did the idea come from to beautify the Sedus HQ, near the Black Forest, in this way?
Wellbeing 26/08/2024

Fits like a glove - how Sedus products promote diversity in the workplace

In a world in which individuality and different needs play an increasingly important role, products that adapt to the requirements of a wide variety of people are in demand. Sedus has set itself the task of developing office chairs that do justice to this diversity and at the same time fulfil the highest ergonomic standards. After all, ergonomics not only means sitting healthily, but also offering every person – regardless of gender, size, shape or personal preferences – the best possible comfort. In short: ergonomics that fit.
Wellbeing 22/08/2024

How do I adjust my workstation correctly?

Most people who spend a large part of their working day sitting at a desk can empathise: headaches and back pain as well as tension in the neck and shoulders. These problems can often be counteracted with correct adjustment of the workstation and a healthy sitting posture.
News 20/08/2024

se:flair – A new benchmark for ergonomic design in the modern working world

At a time when flexible working models and hybrid solutions are becoming increasingly important, Judith Daur has developed the se:flair swivel chair for Sedus, which is designed for both the office and the home office. This piece of furniture embodies a successful combination of ergonomic comfort and aesthetic design that blends seamlessly into modern working environments.
Wellbeing 17/08/2024

Healthy and delicious food at Sedus: a tradition since the 1950s

Anyone who works at the Sedus headquarters in Dogern can count themselves lucky: Here, employees are not only spoilt with culinary delights, but are also provided with healthy and sustainable food. Since the 1960s, wholefoods have been an integral part of the company philosophy, introduced by Emma Stoll.
Sustainability 16/08/2024

The Sedus Green Codex: A deep-rooted commitment to the circular economy

For over 150 years, Sedus, one of the leading full-service providers in the office furniture sector, has stood for quality and innovation. But this is not the only thing that sets Sedus Stoll AG apart. Sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a deeply rooted part of the company culture. With its specially developed Green Codex, Sedus sets standards and demonstrates that environmental protection and resource conservation are anchored in every phase of product development, production and marketing. People are always at the centre of this commitment - whether as employees, customers or as part of society.
Nachhaltige Beschaffung von Rohstoffen bei Sedus
Sustainability 07/08/2024

How do we ensure the sustainable procurement of raw materials?

For environmentally conscious procurement of raw materials, it is important to keep transport routes as short as possible and to use certified materials. Sedus stands for office furniture that is ‘Made in Germany’ and has done so since 1871, and also takes comprehensive measures for a systematic sustainability strategy.
Workplace Design 02/08/2024

6 tips on what to look out for when desk sharing

These day, we are used to sharing our cars (car sharing) and our flats (e.g. Airbnb). The sharing economy is no longer a niche, but has long since arrived in the mainstream and thus also in the world of work - so-called desk sharing. Our everyday working life is changing and is increasingly characterised by hybrid working models.
Sustainability 24/07/2024

Sedustainable: Roll the film!

In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, Sedus is sending out a strong signal with ‘Sedustainable’. The portmanteau word made up of the terms ‘Sedus’ and ‘sustainable’ stands for the company's philosophy and commitment to taking social, ecological and economic responsibility in all areas of business. This is now also shown in a film.
CEO Thomas Möller von der Klöber GmbH
News 22/07/2024

25 years of Sedus and Klöber - Interview with Thomas Möller

Sedus is celebrating a very special anniversary in 2024: 25 years ago, in 1999, Sedus Stoll AG acquired a majority stake in office furniture manufacturer Klöber GmbH in Überlingen on Lake Constance. To mark the occasion, we interviewed Thomas Möller, CEO of Klöber GmbH.
Karl Bröcker Stiftung
Sustainability 17/07/2024

Social responsibility as part of our DNA: The Karl Bröcker Foundation

Charitable commitment is firmly anchored in the corporate structure of Sedus Stoll AG, as it is majority-owned by two foundations: the Stoll VITA Foundation in Waldshut and the Karl Bröcker Foundation in Lippstadt. Today we present the Karl Bröcker Foundation in more detail.
Workplace Design 15/07/2024

Why Sedus: A. Raymond in Lörrach - Case Study

In collaboration with Meinlschmidt Raumkonzepte, Sedus has equipped the new "Centre of Collaboration" of automotive supplier A. Raymond in Lörrach, with desks, cabinets, swivel chairs and office cubes. Project manager Daniel Utz supervised the new building and answered our questions about the project in a recent interview.
Stoll VITA Stiftung
Sustainability 10/07/2024

Social responsibility as part of the DNA: The Stoll VITA Foundation

Charitable commitment is firmly anchored in the corporate structure of Sedus Stoll AG, as it is majority-owned by two foundations: the Stoll VITA Foundation in Waldshut and the Karl Bröcker Foundation in Lippstadt. Today we present the Stoll VITA Foundation in more detail.
Workplace Design 08/07/2024

Why Sedus: TUI Campus in Hanover – Case Study

In August 2023, the TUI Group opened its newly designed global headquarters, the TUI Campus in Hanover. 2800 employees from eight TUI companies work together under one roof and shape the future of tourism.
Eine offene Bürofläche mit modernen Möbeln, die eine entspannte Arbeitsumgebung fördern. Mehrere Personen arbeiten in einem großzügigen, lichtdurchfluteten Raum, der mit ergonomischen Stühlen und bequemen Sitzbereichen ausgestattet ist. Pflanzen und Holzelemente verleihen dem Raum eine natürliche Atmosphäre. SEO-Schlüsselwörter: "hybrides Büro", "moderne Arbeitswelt", "flexible Arbeitsumgebungen", "Büro mit Wohlfühlatmosphäre".
Workplace Design 01/07/2024

Hybrid office - where life and work merge

In the modern working world, the hybrid office is a concept that is becoming increasingly important. With the growing freedom offered by the hybrid working model, more and more people are working outside the traditional office, especially since the coronavirus pandemic. Offices must therefore evolve to meet the new requirements and put the well-being of employees at the centre. This new generation of offices will blend more with other spaces in the city, creating an environment that caters to both work and personal needs.
News 28/06/2024

Workscape of Tomorrow - Understanding Trends and Sharing Knowledge

What can we expect in the future? How can the Future of Work be shaped? Whenever there are new trends, new insights are gained or new ideas are created, and Sedus has its finger on the pulse. Only those who are always up to date can make future-proof decisions about the working world of tomorrow - which is why Sedus wants to share this knowledge. With its new "Workscape of Tomorrow" platform, Sedus has launched a knowledge database that brings together the results of years of research into the working landscape.
Sustainability 28/06/2024

Interview with Niklas Flum - explaining the circular economy at Sedus

In this interview, Niklas Flum gives us exciting insights into the circular economy at Sedus. He explains how deeply the principles of sustainability have been anchored in the company culture for over 150 years and how the circular economy has evolved.
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