Ductile spaces: the new generation of offices

Ductile spaces: the new generation of offices

Features of ductile rooms

The common areas of these space models are characterised by ductility - the ability to adapt to different influences without losing their actual purpose. In contrast to flexibility, which only adapts to situational changes, ductile spaces can deal with all changes simultaneously. Their three main characteristics are:

  • Resilience: Ductile rooms can withstand organisational changes, be it due to changing team sizes, project requirements or working methods. They can cope with unforeseen requirements without major reconfigurations.
  • Integrity: The spaces retain their identity even in the face of change. They reflect the company's culture and values and promote a sense of belonging. Their design continues to evolve, but always remains true to the central ethos.
  • Interpretability: Ductile spaces offer users the opportunity to customise the environment, adapting the space to different working styles and personal preferences, thereby increasing satisfaction and productivity.

    This ductile nature serves both functional versatility to support different work activities and occupancy levels and an aesthetic design that creates identity, comfort and well-being for employees.

The hybrid common areas

Ductile spaces form the centre of the hybrid office and act as central hubs where employees can come together, collaborate and carry out both individual and group work. They facilitate the transition from conventional to decentralised working methods and enable individual design of the working environment. These hybrid shared spaces can be divided into three areas:

  • The hybrid café: It is the most sociable and flexible space in the office. With different zones and furniture arrangements, it promotes all four C's, enables interpersonal interaction and balances out fluctuations in the density of people.
  • The Arena: This versatile space is suitable for planned events such as conferences, presentations and community activities as well as for spontaneous meetings and individual work. Its flexible design makes it possible to support all four C's.
  • The oasis: With natural elements such as plants and lawns, it is the area that promotes the well-being of employees the most. As a spacious area, the oasis supports various activities and adapts to changing employee numbers and requirements. All four C's are also made possible here.

Advantages and functions of hybrid common areas

Hybrid common areas promote interaction, informal meetings, knowledge exchange and relaxation. The three categories of space fulfil three central functions: Satisfying social needs, fostering a sense of community and providing opportunities for brief moments of relaxation. The combination of technology, nature and comfortable furniture creates spaces that can seamlessly adapt to different levels of use and activities without losing their original functionality. Cafeterias become versatile meeting places, arenas become multifunctional spaces for events and gardens provide a soothing ambience for informal work or relaxation.

These areas reflect the company's values and emphasise its commitment to the well-being of its employees. They not only offer functional benefits, but also promote a sense of community and employee identification with the company.

A major advantage of the hybrid common areas is their easy adaptability to the specific needs of users. Different seating configurations support both individuals and larger groups, thus meeting the requirements of changing working modes.

Hybrid common areas make a decisive contribution to the aesthetics and functionality of the office, facilitate modern working methods and fulfil the changing requirements of employees. They are not only places to work, but also hubs for community and collaboration that help to increase satisfaction and productivity in the office.

You can find out more about this topic in the white paper "The hybrid office of the future".

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