Code of Conduct

It is part of our mission to put people at the centre of our business activities. We pay particular attention to ensuring that our actions comply strictly with the law while observing ethical principles. The Sedus Stoll Code of Conduct sets out in writing the necessary behaviour under the following three aspects:

Our responsibility as a member of society

Our responsibility in business transactions

Our responsibility in the workplace

Furthermore, the Code of Conduct summarises the company-wide understanding, attitude towards and handling of compliance challenges (compliance (there’s an extra space here) with all legal requirements), corporate sustainability (responsibility for sustainability) and corporate behaviour (conduct of the entire company and the behaviour of employees). It offers us a reliable orientation for our daily work and supports us in dealing with legal and ethical issues.

You can find the Code of Conduct here:

Code of Conduct


As a globally networked company, Sedus sets high standards and has them verified by external organisations.


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