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people working at the se:cafe team table
Workplace Design 04/11/2024

The future of workplaces: Introducing hybrid common spaces

Hybrid working: Flexibility, well-being and productivity.

The modern working world is undergoing profound change. Traditional working models, where the office was considered the central place of productivity, are increasingly giving way to hybrid concepts that make the transition between professional and private areas more fluid. Flexibility, well-being and the promotion of productivity are at the heart of this new work culture. But how exactly are hybrid working models affecting our lives, and what role can an office café play in sustainably promoting employee wellbeing and corporate culture?
Nackenstütze Bürostuhl sinnvoll
Wellbeing 01/11/2024

When is a neck support ergonomically useful?

The need for neck supports emerged with the introduction of synchronous mechanisms in swivel chairs, allowing for a wider opening angle and greater movement of the backrest. But what ergonomic advantages does a neck support offer and is it even useful at all?
Trendmonitor Sedus Insights 19
News 30/10/2024

Human Connections – Sedus INSIGHTS N°19

Sedus INSIGHTS is now available in a new layout and with extended content. The latest edition of the trend monitor focuses on human connections and how hybrid common areas can improve collaboration.
sedus booth at Orgatec
News 29/10/2024

Orgatec 2024 Recap - A success for Sedus

Orgatec 2024 is over, and the past week of the trade fair was a complete success for us at Sedus. With the motto “Design to Connect - The Rendezvous Office”, we turned our stand into a lively meeting place and showed how inspiring design connects people, workspaces and promotes sustainable values. The aim was to create a space that sees the office of tomorrow as a social anchor - a place that brings people together and promotes creative work.
Design to Connect – The Rendezvous Office
News 21/10/2024

Design to Connect – The Rendezvous Office

How can the office be transformed into a social space for networking and collaboration? This is a question that is currently facing more and more employers and companies - because today, the office is no longer just a place where people work, but a place where they meet, exchange ideas and develop innovations together.
Two women talking on the se:living sofa
Wellbeing 16/10/2024

The “Human Office”: Sustainable working environments in the age of labour shortages and generational change

The world of work is in a state of upheaval. Labour shortages, the changing values ​​of Gen Z and the rapid increase in hybrid working models are forcing employers to rethink their current strategies. Key questions arise: How will work be defined in the future? What role do people play in this new world of work?

The answer lies in the concept of the “Human Office” – an approach that puts people at the centre and radically rethinks the working environment.
A man sits at a Sedus desk and works
Wellbeing 15/10/2024

The new workflow: how companies can maintain the office as a central location for hybrid working

The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years. Hybrid models that allow a flexible choice between the office, home office and so-called “third places” such as cafés or co-working spaces have become the new standard. This development presents companies with the challenge of continuing to establish the office as a central place of collaboration, even though the workplace no longer takes place there exclusively. But how can this be achieved?
Sustainability 15/10/2024

The Eulenhof: a place for sustainability, community and sustainable agriculture

Right next to the Sedus headquarters in Dogern is the Eulenhof, an organic farm that is characterised by passion, community and sustainable agriculture. We recently had the pleasure of talking to Matthias Kuhn, the farm manager, about the philosophy, the daily work and his vision for the future. It quickly became clear that the Eulenhof is more than just a place where food is produced. It is a living space where biodiversity, a sense of community and a deep connection to nature take centre stage. In the following interview, Matthias talks about his personal experiences, challenges and the principles that define the Eulenhof.
Working at Sedus 09/10/2024

Sedus trainees as guests in Ireland - an experience report

Every August, Sedus trainees in Dogern are given the opportunity to spend a month abroad. Until recently, this was possible in England, but since Brexit, the destination has shifted to Dublin, Ireland. The trip is supported by the European education programme Erasmus+, as well as our local partner, the Swan language school, which takes care of the organisation and the language course. Simon Troll, industrial clerk apprentice, reports on his experiences.
Workplace Design 07/10/2024

Hybrid configurations: spaces and worksettings in the modern office

Hybrid commons are the most accessible and public ‘core’ of the office. These areas are strategically connected to specific work zones, such as desk areas or meeting rooms, and act as the hub of the modern work environment.
Wellbeing 04/10/2024

Work-life balance vs. work-life blend: How is the future of work shaping up?

In today's working world, companies and employees are facing a new challenge: how do we manage to reconcile the demands of professional life with the needs of private life? In this context, there are two key concepts that are often compared with each other - work-life balance and work-life blend. But what do these terms mean and what is the future of work in a world where the boundaries between work and private life are becoming increasingly blurred?
Workplace Design 02/10/2024

black dot net: The net version of the classic office chair

The black dot net is the extravagant mesh version of the successful Sedus black dot model series. The distinctive silhouette is the result of the ‘springy’ connection of the backrest – with many ergonomic extras.
News 27/09/2024

The importance of human connections in the work environment

In an era in which the boundaries between work and private life are becoming increasingly blurred, close relationships at work are becoming more and more important. The term ‘workplace bestie’ describes a special friendship in the professional environment that goes far beyond the fleeting exchanges during a coffee break. These are colleagues who not only understand the challenges of everyday working life, but often make this stressful environment more human and pleasant. But what factors favour such relationships? In addition to personal openness, the working environment plays a central role.
Sedus RUN 2024
News 25/09/2024

10th Sedus RUN with a new record number of participants

On 14 September, the Sedus premises in Dogern were once again the meeting place for running enthusiasts from across the region. With a new record number of participants, at over 400 runners, and a colourful supporting programme, the company run was a huge success.
Workplace Design 23/09/2024

Ductile spaces: the new generation of offices

In order for workplaces to adapt to the current and future changes of hybrid work, welcoming spaces that promote comfort, flexibility and a sense of community are required. To support this change, space models have been developed that enable flexible management of the four C's (collaboration, communication, concentration, contemplation) and promote the concept of a welcoming "hybrid office".
News 18/09/2024

To go to the office or not - The advantages and disadvantages

The question of whether we should go to the office or work from home comes up time and again. However, there is no clear answer, as both have their advantages and disadvantages. Exactly what these are, and how they affect our work and our lives, depends very much on individual preferences and circumstances.
Working at Sedus 18/09/2024

Living appreciation - working at Sedus

At Sedus, a sustainable business relationship begins with our own employees - because people with individual strengths, different needs and common goals work here. To ensure that the talents of its employees can develop optimally, Sedus has been focusing on active appreciation for decades, which is reflected in several ways.
News 13/09/2024

Insight into the world of Microsoft 365: An interview with Florian Sandmann-Reetz

In an increasingly digitalised working world, expertise in the use of tools such as Microsoft 365 is becoming more and more important. Florian Sandmann-Reetz, an experienced trainer and expert in this field, gives us exciting insights into his work and his view of the future of the world of work in an interview.
News 11/09/2024

The role of work

The role of work in each individual's life is a highly personalised matter, but since the pandemic and the generational shift in recent years, there has been a noticeable change.
Workplace Design 09/09/2024

Why Sedus: GEFÄSSERIE in Fuchsstadt - a case study

GEFÄSSERIE in Fuchsstadt, Germany, specialises in contract and vertical greenery with a focus on sustainability in harmony with nature. At the beginning of the year, the team moved into its new company building, which is seen as a pioneer for a natural working environment. The workstations were equipped with high-quality office furniture from Sedus.
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