25 years of Sedus and Klöber - Interview with Thomas Möller

25 years of Sedus and Klöber - Interview with Thomas Möller

Focus on sustainability and quality

The majority shareholding was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration and friendship that continues to this day, as the two companies have always shared a similar corporate culture and outlook. They have always shared a focus on ergonomics and aesthetics as well as a sustainable approach to using raw materials responsibly. The result is durable, high-quality products that are characterised by timeless design. The two companies are also united by their production in Germany. While Klöber manufactures its furniture in Owingen on Lake Constance, Sedus does so in Dogern and Geseke.

Pooling energies and creating synergies

The regular exchange of experience and expertise as well as the pooling of energies from different areas of the company have already generated many synergies between Sedus and Klöber over the years, for example in the areas of logistics, production, administration and development.

Thomas Möller, CEO of Klöber GmbH, answered a few questions to mark this anniversary:

What added value do you see in the collaboration with Sedus?

With the takeover of Klöber GmbH as an independent brand in the market, two companies came together whose individual strengths, experiences and inspirations have complemented each other in different areas. We continue to learn a lot from each other, master political and market challenges and set standards in our industry.

What synergy effects are there between the two companies?

As we operate in the market as completely independent brands, the synergy effects are focused exclusively on areas outside of sales and marketing. Of course, we utilise our experience in the areas of product development, joint procurement of raw materials, logistics and IT security.

How has the collaboration developed over the years?What makes it special?

I can still remember it very well: Klöber was very successful in the market and was bought by its competitor. That was a shock at first... But the first meeting with the Sedus employees was a surprise. We very quickly realised how similar our values were and a very close and trusting working relationship developed within a very short space of time.

What challenges have you faced over the years?

One of the biggest challenges is and remains giving the market the confidence that although we are two brands in one group, we operate completely independently in the market. Both brands have their positioning, their distribution channel and their product range. Sales, marketing and product development are, and will, remain two completely independent areas. This means that we compete against each other in the market as two competitors, just as we do with other companions.

Preserving both brands independently of their positioning.

This was also one of the reasons for the purchase of the Klöber brand, as communicated by the then CEO of Sedus. To integrate Klöber into the Group as a premium brand in order to serve the market as a group with two brands. Sedus is Europe's largest full-service provider. Its strength lies in its holistic approach. Sedus can provide companies with comprehensive advice, support them in change processes, implement complex plans in-house and ultimately manufacture and supply products.

Klöber concentrates on the details of the product with a significantly reduced portfolio. Klöber products are exclusively combined with furniture from other market competitors. Our challenge is therefore to develop independent products that appeal to architects, interior designers, planners and designers, thanks to their quality and variety.

What do you want or expect from the future?

That we implement important topics such as digitalisation in society without forgetting people and our environment. Technological progress such as AI has already become indispensable and is developing at an unprecedented speed. We humans must learn to use technology in such a way that we do not lose the sovereignty of our minds and our values.

Another point for me is the challenge of dealing with our environment. This year was Earth Overshoot Day, two days early again. We only have this one earth and we should use our pioneering spirit, our creativity and our courage to continue developing sustainable, resource-saving and long-lasting products.

Sedus would like to thank Thomas Möller for the interview and looks forward to many more successful years together with Klöber!

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