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Trendmonitor Sedus Insights 19
News 19/03/2025

Sedus INSIGHTS N°19 - now also available as a podcast!

The latest edition of the Sedus INSIGHTS trend monitor takes a deep dive into the topic of "Human Connections" and sheds light on how community, communication and collaboration can be promoted in the modern working world. The exciting findings from the 19th edition are now also available to listen to - in two exclusive podcast episodes that delve deeper into the topic and offer additional insights.
Sedus Insights Trends
News 28/02/2025

How people, spaces and working methods can be experienced positively

The latest edition of the Sedus INSIGHTS trend monitor focuses on human connections and how hybrid shared spaces can improve collaboration. Among other things, it presents seven exemplary examples and noteworthy trends that show how people, spaces and working methods can be experienced positively.
Two women sitting at a desk
News 24/02/2025

Nature-Inspired Workspaces: The garden-style office café as a modern hybrid space

The way we work is constantly evolving. Flexible work models and innovative spatial concepts are becoming increasingly important to enhance both productivity and well-being. In this context, so-called "third places" play a crucial role – spaces that are neither traditional offices nor private living areas but a combination of both.

A prime example of this concept in action is the office café designed in a garden style. Here, nature and work merge into an inspiring environment that optimally supports concentration, creativity, and social interaction.
James Studio in Vienna
News 12/02/2025

Jame’s Studio: Viennese period charm meets modern working spaces

As part of the Sedus Lookbook No. 2, we have visited inspiring creatives and their favourite ‘Great Good Places’. One such exceptional location is Jame’s Studio in Vienna. It has been designed with great sensitivity to both aesthetics and functionality, by photographer Melanie Prusa.
Sedus Lookbook 2
News 06/01/2025

All about coffee: Sedus LOOKBOOK N° 02 is here

It's all in the mix! Not only when choosing the perfect coffee beans, but also in the workplace. While employees used to have a fixed workplace either in the office or at home, more and more 'Third Places' are now becoming the focus of modern working culture. The new issue of the Sedus LOOKBOOK sheds light on the various facets of this change.
News 03/01/2025

Mocha Mousse - The Pantone colour 2025 meets Sedus Work Café

Every year, the design community eagerly awaits the unveiling of the Pantone Color of the Year, which captures the global zeitgeist in a unique way. For 2025, the Pantone Color Institute has chosen PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse, a warm, intense shade of brown that radiates comfort and elegance in equal measure. This shade reflects the desire for places of retreat, tranquillity and community - aspects that are becoming increasingly important in the modern working environment.
Karl Bröcker Stiftung
News 10/12/2024

With heart and commitment: Explore the Work of the Karl Bröcker Foundation in this inspiring video

Sedus Stoll AG is majority-owned by two foundations. One of which is the Karl Bröcker Foundation in Lippstadt. It primarily supports educational, medical and therapeutic projects and institutions for children in Germany and abroad. Watch the video to find out more about these projects.
Konstantin Thomas at the Klima Festival Berlin
News 28/11/2024

Climate Festival for the Construction Industry of the Future, in Berlin: Sedus in dialogue about circular design

On November 21 and 22, 2024, Berlin became a hotspot for sustainable building: Experts from the construction and furniture industries came together at the Climate Festival for the Construction Industry of the Future to discuss sustainable concepts and innovative approaches. Their event strapline, “Together we are changing the construction industry. Sustainable. Taking responsibility. Shaping the future,” offered a platform for inspiration and networking.

Sedus was on site as a partner and set a strong signal for the future of the (office) furniture industry, with a centrally located lounge as well as participation in the panel talk, “Circular interior design - ecological strategies in furniture construction”.
Menschen in entspannter Co-Working-Atmosphäre
News 27/11/2024

The different archetypes of office cafés and their special features

In modern work environments, office cafés have evolved into hybrid spaces that go beyond traditional break areas, where they support a variety of work and relaxation modes. While break rooms are traditionally designed for short periods of relaxation and offer functional facilities such as coffee machines and tables, office cafés create an atmosphere that specifically aims to promote productivity, creativity and social interaction.

At their core, office cafés offer an enhanced experience where both work and relaxation can co-exist harmoniously. They offer far more flexibility and different environments tailored to a variety of working styles and needs.
Trendmonitor Sedus Insights 19
News 30/10/2024

Human Connections – Sedus INSIGHTS N°19

Sedus INSIGHTS is now available in a new layout and with extended content. The latest edition of the trend monitor focuses on human connections and how hybrid common areas can improve collaboration.
sedus booth at Orgatec
News 29/10/2024

Orgatec 2024 Recap - A success for Sedus

Orgatec 2024 is over, and the past week of the trade fair was a complete success for us at Sedus. With the motto “Design to Connect - The Rendezvous Office”, we turned our stand into a lively meeting place and showed how inspiring design connects people, workspaces and promotes sustainable values. The aim was to create a space that sees the office of tomorrow as a social anchor - a place that brings people together and promotes creative work.
Design to Connect – The Rendezvous Office
News 21/10/2024

Design to Connect – The Rendezvous Office

How can the office be transformed into a social space for networking and collaboration? This is a question that is currently facing more and more employers and companies - because today, the office is no longer just a place where people work, but a place where they meet, exchange ideas and develop innovations together.
News 27/09/2024

The importance of human connections in the work environment

In an era in which the boundaries between work and private life are becoming increasingly blurred, close relationships at work are becoming more and more important. The term ‘workplace bestie’ describes a special friendship in the professional environment that goes far beyond the fleeting exchanges during a coffee break. These are colleagues who not only understand the challenges of everyday working life, but often make this stressful environment more human and pleasant. But what factors favour such relationships? In addition to personal openness, the working environment plays a central role.
Sedus RUN 2024
News 25/09/2024

10th Sedus RUN with a new record number of participants

On 14 September, the Sedus premises in Dogern were once again the meeting place for running enthusiasts from across the region. With a new record number of participants, at over 400 runners, and a colourful supporting programme, the company run was a huge success.
News 18/09/2024

To go to the office or not - The advantages and disadvantages

The question of whether we should go to the office or work from home comes up time and again. However, there is no clear answer, as both have their advantages and disadvantages. Exactly what these are, and how they affect our work and our lives, depends very much on individual preferences and circumstances.
News 13/09/2024

Insight into the world of Microsoft 365: An interview with Florian Sandmann-Reetz

In an increasingly digitalised working world, expertise in the use of tools such as Microsoft 365 is becoming more and more important. Florian Sandmann-Reetz, an experienced trainer and expert in this field, gives us exciting insights into his work and his view of the future of the world of work in an interview.
News 11/09/2024

The role of work

The role of work in each individual's life is a highly personalised matter, but since the pandemic and the generational shift in recent years, there has been a noticeable change.
News 02/09/2024

Life in the hybrid society: A new paradigm of work, space and identity

The spread of hybrid working models not only marks an adaptation to current challenges, but also signals a profound shift towards a hybrid society. This ‘post-creative’ society is aware of the fact that the boundaries between real and fake, public and private, physical and virtual, analogue and digital are becoming increasingly blurred. This ambivalence characterises not only the way we work, but also our entire way of life.
News 27/08/2024

Blooming future - How Sedus combines technology and nature

Anyone currently visiting the Sedus site in Dogern is greeted by a beautiful meadow of flowers. But where did the idea come from to beautify the Sedus HQ, near the Black Forest, in this way?
News 20/08/2024

se:flair – A new benchmark for ergonomic design in the modern working world

At a time when flexible working models and hybrid solutions are becoming increasingly important, Judith Daur has developed the se:flair swivel chair for Sedus, which is designed for both the office and the home office. This piece of furniture embodies a successful combination of ergonomic comfort and aesthetic design that blends seamlessly into modern working environments.
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