Strategies to combat digital exhaustion in the workplace: measures for greater well-being

Strategies to combat digital exhaustion in the workplace: measures for greater well-being

Sedus recognised years ago that the solution is not to ban or restrict the use of technology, but to encourage its sensible use. Therefore, to mark the International Day of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on May 12, we would like to offer you a few helpful tips for more well-being in the workplace.

1. Establish clear communication guidelines:

Organisations should establish clear guidelines for internal communications. This includes limiting emails outside of regular working hours and using alternative means of communication for non-urgent matters. Clear communication guidelines allow employees to switch off better and enjoy their free time undisturbed.

2. Promote flexibility and work-life balance:

Flexible working hours and the ability to work from home can help reduce pressure and improve work-life balance. It is important that employees have the freedom to organise their work in a way that better suits their individual needs.

Recently, the term work-life blend, which refers to the merging of living and working space, has also emerged. However, this entirely positive development brings with it even more of a risk of digital exhaustion. Here, too, it is important to pay attention to when it is really working time and when private life begins.

3. Plan digital breaks:

Regular breaks are crucial to maintaining concentration and preventing digital exhaustion. Companies should encourage their employees to take conscious digital breaks where they stay away from screens and technology.

4. Digital literacy training:

Many people feel exhausted because they cannot use digital tools effectively. Companies should provide digital literacy training to ensure that their employees can use technology effectively. This can not only increase productivity, but also boost self-confidence.

5. Set clear expectations:

Employees should have clear expectations about what is expected of them and which tasks are a priority. Defined structuring of work can help to avoid overload and reduce digital exhaustion.

6. Support health-promoting measures:

Companies can implement programmes to promote the physical and mental health of their employees. These include, for example, fitness programmes, mental health resources and support in coping with stress.

Ergonomics should not be neglected in the digital world either. After all, more and more meetings are digital and therefore take place sitting in front of a screen. Height-adjustable desks and flexible office chairs should therefore be part of the basic equipment of a digital workplace.


Digital fatigue is a real challenge in the modern working world, but it is not inevitable. By implementing targeted measures, companies and individuals can help to create a healthy working environment in which the benefits of digitalisation can be enjoyed without compromising health and well-being. It’s time to focus on the people behind the screens and ensure they have the necessary tools and support to work successfully and healthily in the digital era.

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