SA8000 - A top-class certification for social responsibility

SA8000 - A top-class certification for social responsibility

The standard is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights and other labour and human rights standards. It defines the requirements for a certifiable management system for social responsibility and the fulfilment of appropriate working conditions in a company. Anja Peter, Sustainability and Workplace Safety Specialist at Sedus, explains why Sedus decided in favour of SA8000 certification:

Social issues are becoming increasingly important both in legislation and for our customers. In our view, SA8000 provides the most credible basis for this.

Anja Peter, Sustainability and Workplace Safety Specialist

What does SA8000 emphasise?

With the certification, Sedus can guarantee that the following nine criteria are taken into account and adhered to both within the company itself and in the supply chain:

  1. No child labour
  2. No forced labour
  3. Minimum standards in the areas of health protection and occupational safety
  4. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargainin
  5. No discrimination
  6. No physical or psychological punishment
  7. Compliance with working time laws
  8. A living wage level
  9. Further requirements for the management

The certification process

Certification takes place in several stages and is based on a continuous improvement process:

  1. Pre-audit (optional): Pre-assessment of the auditors and determination of the implementation of standard requirements
  2. Self-assessment ‘Social Fingerprint’: tool for evaluating the management system and receiving tips for improvement
  3. Certification audit: Demonstration of the practical application of the social standard and verification of effectiveness
  4. Issuance of certificate: certificate of conformity with the standard and inclusion in the Certipedia online certificate database
  5. Surveillance audits: Semi-annual review of process optimisation and conformity to standards
  6. Re-certification: re-certification and documentation of the continuous improvement process before the end of three years

The positive effects of SA8000

Sedus successfully completed the certification process in 2023 and can therefore benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Clear communication with customers
  • Recognised as a socially responsible company
  • Achieving best practice in employment, trade and operations according to ethical principles
  • Greater transparency in how we conduct our business, including within the supply chain
  • Compliance (legal certainty)
  • Continuous improvement
  • Preparation for future requirements such as the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act

Responsibility that obliges

The successful SA8000 certification makes Sedus' efforts in the area of social responsibility more visible. Continuous improvement is achieved, among other things, through regular meetings of the Social Performance Team (SPT), which consists of employee representatives, occupational safety specialists from all sites, representatives of the HR department, management representatives and the Human Rights Officer.

Regular external and internal audits, in which employees are also involved in the form of interviews, also ensure that Sedus always fulfils the requirements. Sedus also has a Human Rights Officer who acts as a reporting centre for environmental and ethical violations in the company's own business area, but also along the supply chain.

At Sedus, social responsibility is therefore not just a promise, but a commitment that is practised every day.

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