Upgrade for ‘Workscape of Tomorrow’ knowledge platform: Sedus introduces Synapse Bot

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In July 2023, Sedus launched ‘Workscape of Tomorrow’, a knowledge database that brings together the results of years of research into the working landscape. The platform offers a pool of information from which architects, facility managers, workspace experts and journalists can benefit. The focus is on discovering new trends and developments in the work environment and sharing knowledge. As part of the German Design Award 2023, the Workscape of Tomorrow platform received the ‘Special Mention’ award in the ‘Excellent Communications Design Web’ category.

To make it even easier for professionals to gain valuable insights and navigate independently through extensive content in an intuitive way, the German office furniture manufacturer has now introduced the Sedus Synapse Bot. The advanced AI chatbot is set to revolutionise the way in which well-founded research results are provided in a precise and meaningful way in response to specialist questions.

‘The new chatbot enhances our platform by providing fast, intelligent synthesis of vast amounts of information, linking concepts and delivering actionable insights directly from the extensive repertoire of Sedus Insights publications,’ explains Ernst Holzapfel, Head of Marketing at Sedus Stoll AG. ‘The Sedus Synapse Bot uses advanced algorithms to analyse and synthesise information from various data points in our knowledge base. It understands natural language queries and delivers concise, contextualised information that helps professionals make informed decisions quickly. The integration of this AI ensures a smooth flow of information and supports Sedus' endeavour to develop advanced and forward-thinking work environments.

Sedus Synapse Bot - a chatbot for several innovative functions

The integration of the Sedus Synapse Bot brings several new functions to the platform:

  • Responsive query handling: users can ask any question and receive a precise summary from the extensive Workscape of Tomorrow database. The platform is based on the Sedus Insights trend monitor, which has already been established as a permanent medium for several years.
  • Customisable text output: The bot is able to adjust the length and detail of the answers to the user's specifications, offering flexibility in the depth of information provided.
  • Integrated knowledge base: The bot utilises an extensive collection of publications to provide expert knowledge and insights, allowing users to access a wealth of information through a single, user-friendly interface.

The Workscape of Tomorrow platform is available in German and English, and registration is free - for experts, planners, professionals and anyone else who is interested. Further information on the new Sedus platform can be found here: https://www.sedus.com/en/knowledge/workscape-of-tomorrow



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