se:lab island

Multifunctional meeting island for agile working

Working, meeting, socialising – se:lab island is the ideal place for agile working 
with an outdoor feel.

The group table impresses with its cosy and inviting appearance. With two versions for ergonomic working while sitting and standing, se:lab island promotes exchange and enables a change of perspective. 

Design your own unique Sedus product – after all, maximum comfort requires customised solutions.

Our configurator guides you step by step through the various options and customisation possibilities of the product. At the end of the configuration process, you can request a non-binding quote, download images and planning data and test the product directly in the room using augmented reality.

You can call up your personal configuration again at any time using your personal PIN code – just save it, come back later and make adjustments. Let's go!



Versatile agile group table as a central meeting point for teams

Two model versions enable ergonomic working while sitting or standing:
Table top at sitting height (740 mm) or standing height (1050 mm), with castors and adjustable glides.

Options & Accessories

Practical superstructure and a variety of accessories 
make the meeting island an attractive eye-catcher.

sitting height
standing height

Sustainable production

We purchase around two thirds of the steel, aluminium and wood which we require to produce our products in Germany and almost all the rest from Europe, this helps us to avoid long delivery routes whilst, at the same time, boosting the local economy. We use materials which have been tested and assessed with respect to potentially adverse effects on human health and the environment.



Sustainable production of se:lab island

  • Wood from sustainably managed forests
  • Water-based adhesives
  • Heat generation from wood chippings
  • Produced using 100 % green electricity
  • Produced in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 Environmental management
  • Produced in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 Energy management


TO MEDIACENTER You can also download all the images and documents from the Sedus Mediacenter.

Suitable products

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