The hybrid office of the future: a great chance to make work even better?

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The increasingly widespread adoption of hybrid forms of work is changing individual and corporate working culture at the most fundamental level. And it is a change that is here for good. The scope and significance of this shift has had a profound effect on people’s priorities. Managing the complexity of the changes involved will depend on collaboration and creativity at a national, organisational and personal level. The complexity and significance of this change has had a major impact on people’s priorities.

“To really understand the dynamics of hybrid work, we can't just see it as a straightforward mix of working from home and in the office,” says Ernst Holzapfel, Head of Marketing at Sedus Stoll AG. “Instead, we need to see hybrid work as an element in a new form of business: the hybrid organisation. From this perspective, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexity and widespread adoption of hybrid work. And we can explore the cultural shifts that go hand in hand with this change, and so develop effective models that support companies and employees”.

The hybrid era: a new workflow

One of the most dynamic characteristics of the hybrid organisation is the central role work plays in people’s lives. This means we no longer view work as a means to an end, but rather an important part of our identity and a source of personal satisfaction. More and more people are looking for jobs that not only offer them financial security, but also match their values and offer them flexibility and the chance to grow. So, work-life balance and mental and physical health are increasingly important.

With the publication of its report “Hybrid offices of the future”, Sedus offers a new, innovative approach that addresses the changing needs of the modern working world. The new office concept meets the growing demand for flexible working in all its forms and resolves the various technological, social and cultural shifts by creating a comprehensive approach for the creation of future working environments.

Key features of the hybrid office:

  1. Flexibility and ductility: hybrid offices offer flexible space configurations that can be adapted quickly to changing needs. Ductility means that spaces can accommodate different work activities simultaneously without the need for changes to the layout.
  2. Communal spaces: An important feature of the concept is hybrid communal space, which typically consists of three main areas: the hybrid café, the forum and the oasis. These spaces promote social interactions, creative collaboration and personal wellbeing.
  3. Integration of nature and technology: natural elements and modern tech are integrated seamlessly into the office to create a pleasant and productive workspace. Spaces such as roof terraces, indoor gardens and outdoor zones offer places for people to relax and exercise.
  4. Work-life blend: In contrast to the traditional idea of work-life balance, which draws a clear distinction between work and private life, the hybrid office facilitates a harmonious blending of both. This new way of looking at our lives allows people to work more flexibly and productively while improving their wellbeing.
  5. Adaptable working environments: A choice of workspaces such as Café Spots, Living Work, hybrid meeting rooms and quiet zones offer people tailored solutions for their various needs. These environments support both focused individual work and creative teamwork, combined with a high degree of adaptability.


“The concept of the hybrid office sets new standards for the design of modern workplaces,” explains Holzapfel. “Companies, architects and designers increasingly share this vision to create innovative, flexible and sustainable workspaces that meet the changing requirements of the hybrid organisation.”

You can find the “Future Hybrid Office” brochure here: The hybrid office of the future: flexibility, work-life blend and sustainable working landscapes 


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