“Great Good Places”: LOOKBOOK No.2 focuses on extraordinary places to exchange ideas and work together

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It's all in the mix! Not only when it comes to choosing the perfect coffee beans, but also in the workplace. While employees used to have their fixed place of work either in the office or at home, today an increasing number of “Great Good Places” are becoming the central to modern working culture.

“Work cafés, libraries and hotel lobbies have become social places where people meet, exchange ideas, collaborate or simply enjoy a good cup of coffee,” explains Ernst Holzapfel, Head of Marketing at Sedus Stoll AG. “‘For the new second issue of the LOOKBOOK, we spoke to architects, interior designers and facility managers who are actively shaping the evolution of work. We also explored some of the favourite work café hotspots where creatives got to work and find inspiration.”

Working in a unique, feel-good atmosphere

In large cities in particular, creative, culturally driven impulses are giving rise to new hybrid forms of work that differ significantly from traditional offices. The LOOKBOOK explores these trends. In the second issue, Sedus embarks on a journey to explore diverse international 'Third Places” and examines the charm of these unique locations with architects, interior designers, and experts.

Discover the complete issue of LOOKBOOK No. 2 here.

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