Page 23 - Don’t worry – Be healthy
P. 23

                CASE STUDY | 23
  The design team’s objective was to balance the open spaces, where people are encouraged to work and socialize, with the closed ones, where people can find concentration and focus.
Facebook‘s new Campus design is based on the results of recent research on the advantages and disadvantages of the two main models of organizing the working space: Open space and closed offices.
The result is a new kind of open space, the largest in the world, designed for pro- ductivity, well-being and people’s happiness and based on three principles: prox- imity, privacy, permission.
Proximity is the principle that intends to avoid excessively crowded environments, leaving enough space between people, creating aggregation sites and social spac- es, where resources may be shared (services, cafeterias, etc. ).
Privacy is the principle guiding the design of the workplaces, providing them with visual and acoustic privacy, allowing people to have control over the space around them.
Permission is a set of rules of “corporate behavior” that are part of the corporate culture and establish coexistence between people.
These principles include a strong focus on physical movement, which is strongly encouraged.
Urban design
Increased density
= Spontaneous collaboration.
The Facebook new campus was designed by Gensler in 2012, Menlo Park.

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